What is IB Education?
IB builds critical thinkers who see connections between concepts and how they apply to the world around them.
IB PYP (Primary Years Program) is a child-centered education program that focuses on developing students as inquirers in the classroom and outside world. This is why IB education is known as inquiry-based learning.
IB is not a set curriculum but rather a framework for schools to use in their approach to teaching. Therefore, the same state standards are met as in every other public elementary school, just taught with the transdisciplinary IB method. IB values critical thinking above rote learning. Concepts stretch across subjects rather than being confined to a single context.
IB encourages students to take responsibility and ownership for their learning. Students learn how to inquire, solve problems, and seek knowledge rather than simply be given information. As a result, they develop self-regulation skills needed to succeed at higher levels of education.
Studies of IB PYP programs in the US and around the world have shown:
Higher levels of overall student well-being
Increased student motivation for learning
Superior academic performance on some standardized tests
Increased teacher engagement and collaboration
Greater global and cultural awareness
More positive school climate in key outcome areas (perceived safety, caring relationships, fairness, parent involvement, bullying, and victimization)
Rigorous & Respected
Schools must pass a rigorous process of accreditation and maintain their certification by undergoing an evaluation of lesson plans and curriculum every five years. Teachers receive ongoing professional education in IB methods.
Currently, there are 2,107 authorized IB PYP schools across 159 different countries. There are currently only 56 IB PYP public elementary schools in the state of Texas.
At the high school level, an IB diploma is highly regarded on college applications. Over 1600 universities reward college credit for IB study.
IB at Pinkerton
Pinkerton was accredited as an IB World School in 2016 and recertified in 2021.
Pinkerton is a choice elementary school, with approximately 30% of students entering via lottery.
The units of inquiry at Pinkerton are an integration of the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) and the IB Transdisciplinary Themes